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Electronically Filing Form W-2c

You can make corrections to a previously filed Form W-2.

On the W-2c tab, you can electronically file Form W-2c, which reports corrections to Form W-2.

As an employer, you must complete Form W-2c for any employee whose Form W-2 has been corrected after it was filed.

Before electronically filing Form W-2, select the employees you want to file the form for, the year, and your Tax ID information. If you are electronically filing tax forms for multiple states, you must create and transmit a separate file for each state.


Before you can electronically file tax forms, you must create an account.

There is a third-party charge for electronic filing tax forms. Fees vary based on the number of records and forms filed, along with the services you choose. The total displays in the last step of electronic filing.

To view current pricing, visit the ACS Tax E-File Website.

After you electronically file tax forms, you can view the E-Filing Dashboard to complete forms you have started but not yet submitted for electronic filing, check the status of your filings, view submitted forms, and view summary and reconciliation reports.
  1. Under Generate Reports, click the Period End Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Payroll 941, W-2s, and ACA Forms, and click Go .
  3. Select the Year.
  4. Verify your organization's Federal Tax ID and State Tax ID numbers. If necessary, enter them.
  5. To electronically file one state's W-2cs, enter the State Tax ID.
  6. To electronically file multiple state W-2cs, select Multiple States, then click Tax IDs to enter or select those state tax IDs.
  7. Optional: If you want to filter employees by departments, select Department, and click Select.
  8. Optional: If you want to filter by specific employees, select Employees, and click Select.
  9. Click Tax E-File. If you have not created an account, you must create one now.
  10. In the ACS Tax E-File window, click Validation Report. The W-2c Validation report lists the information that will be sent to the IRS.
  11. When the Validation Report displays, click Print.
  12. If you need to make any corrections after reviewing the validation report, do so, then generate Form W-2c again before clicking Transmit File. After transmitting the file, you cannot correct any errors.
  13. In the ACS Tax E-File window, click Transmit File. If any errors, such as missing information, are found, they display so you can correct them and resubmit the file.
  14. After transmitting your file with no errors, the E-filing Dashboard displays in a web browser. You can then select the forms you want to file, view subtotals, and check out.
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