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Editing Forms W-2

You can edit Forms W-2 for year-end.

Note: Before editing an employee's W-2, make sure that you have all of the correct information. It's also a good idea to

perform a Financial backup

before making any changes. Remember, it is easier to restore a backup than it is to try to "undo" changes.

Keep in mind that the information you edit in the W-2 window is the same information that prints on the Form W-2, and the summary totals become part of Employee W-2 information.

Here are some important reminders for adjusting Form W-2.

  • If you need to include W-2 additions on the Forms W-2 (such as auto allowance, life insurance, or 401K), use the Add/Edit W-2 Totals option under
  • Period End Procedures. Under Payroll Adjustments, you can associate a W2 Box to an adjustment or cost center to automatically display box 12 or 14 of the W2.
  • Changes made to federal wages, tax withholding, and EIC amounts in the Input W2 Information window also affect your 941 totals.
  • Under Transaction Information, be sure to select the quarter that the 941 information affects when changing this information.

When you use Add/Edit W-2 Totals to enter payroll totals, the summary totals become part of Employee W-2 information. In addition, the information is added to the Payroll tables. The following information is recorded:

  • Taxable Wages
  • Accumulated Taxes
  • Earned Income Credit Payments
  • Adjustments

This information does not post to the General Ledger.

If you are editing W-2 totals during the course of the year, all accumulated period-to-date totals display in the Input W-2 Information window for the period selected. For example, if you select Q3, only totals from the third quarter display.

To learn more about adjusting fields 10, 12, and 14, see the IRS' Instructions for Form W-2.

  1. Under Manage Records, click on the Period End Procedures tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Add/Edit W-2 Totals and click Go .
  3. In the Input W-2 Information window, click Lookup to select the Employee whose W-2 you want to adjust.
  4. In the Year field, select the year for which you are entering or changing W-2 totals.
  5. Under Transaction information, select the appropriate period. Select Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4.
  6. Enter the appropriate information in each field of the W-2, then click Apply. If you do not click Apply, the adjustments you entered are not saved or posted to the employee's record.
  7. A message displays, stating "You have entered or changed information in the Total Gross, Deduction, or Addition fields." If the statement is true, perform step #8 as necessary for your situation.
  8. Follow the appropriate steps as they apply to your situation:
    • If you entered initial totals or edited the Total Gross field, the Add/Edit W-2 Wages window displays when you click Apply. Distribute this amount to the appropriate pay type and cost center. The default cost centers and pay types that display are defined on the Pay tab of the employee's record. If necessary, edit this information. Click OK to save your changes.
    • If there are deduction or addition adjustments associated with this employee record and you entered or changed information in the Deduction or Addition fields, the Add/Edit W2 Additions or the Add/Edit W2 Deductions window displays when you click Apply. Disburse the amount to the appropriate adjustment. Click OK to save your changes.
  9. Click OK to continue.
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