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Printing Form W-3 at Year-End

You can print Form W-3 at year-end from ACS.

The Form W-3 is a calculated total of the Forms W-2. The totals on the Form W-3 must equal the total of the quarterly Forms 941 with the exception of Medicare and FICA. The totals in these fields on the Form W-3 are one-half the totals in the same fields on the Form 941.

The information you enter in this window prints on the W-3 form, but employee selections do not change the W-3 total. The W-3 total is always the total of all W-2 forms.

  1. Under Generate Reports, click the Period End Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Payroll 941, W-2s, and ACA Forms, then click Go .
  3. On the W-2 tab, make the selections for the correct W-2 year. Form W-3 calculations are based on these selections.
  4. Click Print W3.
  5. In the W-3 Fields window, enter the employer's
    • Control number — This optional box is used for numbering the whole transmittal. Be sure entries do not cross into the Establishment Number.
    • Other EIN used this year If applicable, enter any additional employer identification numbers used this year.
    • Establishment Number — This identifies separate establishments in your organization/business. You may file a separate Form W-3, with Forms W-2, for each establishment even if they have the same EIN, or you may use a single Form W-3 for all Forms W-2 of the same type.
  6. If you use a form that already has your organization's name, address, and federal tax id number printed on it, select Hide Site Information.
  7. Under Kind of Payer, select one of the following options:
    • 941 — Select if you file Form 941 and no other category applies to you (except Third-party sick pay.)
    • Military — Select if you are a military employer sending Forms W-2 for non-uniformed employees.
    • 943 — Select if you file Form 943 and you send Forms W-2 for agricultural employees.
    • 944 — Select if you file Form 944. This form is for those employers whose annual liability for social security, Medicare, and withheld federal income taxes is $1,000 or less who file and pay these taxes once a year instead of every quarter.
    • CT-1 — Select if you are a railroad employer sending Forms W-2 for employees covered under the Railroad Retirement Tax Act.
    • Hshld. emp. — Select if you are a household employer sending Forms W-2 for household employees and you did not include the employees on Form 941.
    • Medicare govt. emp. — Select if you are a government agency filing Forms W-2 for employees that are subject to only 1.45% Medicare tax.
  8. Under Kind of Employer, select the appropriate option. 501c non-government is selected by default.
  9. If you are a third-party sick pay employer and you file Forms W-2 with the Third-party sick pay box (box 13) checked, select Third-party sick pay.
  10. Enter the appropriate Contact Information.
  11. Click OK, then Print.
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