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Printing the 941 Worksheet at Year-End

You can print the 941 worksheet at year-end from ACS.

The Form 941 worksheet helps you complete Form 941. It lists computed information for each field, as well as a field for adjusted information and daily tax liability for each month of the quarter. Printing and completing this form may help you create Form 941.
Note: If some employee wages do not display on the 941 Worksheet, you may need to attach a pay type to their records. To do this, edit the employee's record to add the pay type and cost center (make sure the pay type is flagged as taxable in Add/Edit Pay Types), then edit the W-2 to correct the 941 Worksheet.
  1. Under Generate Reports, click the Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Payroll 941, W-2s, and ACA Forms, then click Go .
  3. On the 941 tab, select Print 941 Worksheet.
  4. In the drop-down list, select the Date quarter ended.
  5. Optional: To print the 941 worksheet for each department to which employees are assigned, select the Department.
  6. When the worksheet displays, click Print .
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