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Printing Form 941-A at Year-End

You can print form 941-A at year-end.

The 941-A report shows quarterly gross pay, the taxable pay amount, and the difference between gross and taxable pay for all employees in a selected state (or states). You can use this to print a quarterly report of state tax withholdings.
Note: If employees print in order on the first page, but a second page of other employees prints, a State Tax table is in the Federal field. You can correct this on the Taxes tab on the employees' records.
  1. Under Generate Reports, click the Period End Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Payroll 941, W-2s, and ACA Forms, then click Go .
  3. On the 941 tab, select Print 941-A and click OK.
  4. Under Report Quarter/Year, select the quarter and year you are reporting. Click the up and down arrows to select the correct quarter and year.
  5. Under Sort by, select a sort option. Valid options are:
    • Employee Name — if selecting to print detail, displays employees in last name order
    • Employee Number — if selecting to print detail, displays employees in employee number order
  6. Under Report Options, select one or all of the options. The options include:
    • Print Detail? — displays all active employees with totals for each column on the report.
    • Print only employees with QTD accumulation? — displays only those employees who received pay during the quarter selected.
    • Print only employees with YTD accumulation? --- displays only those employees who received pay during the year selected.
    • Include Inactive Employees? — includes the amounts for inactive employees in the totals on the report and also displays the inactive employees if printing detail.
  7. To only include employees from certain states, click Select States.
  8. Optional: Click Preview to view the report prior to printing.
  9. Click Print.
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