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Electronically Filing Form 941 at Year-End

You can electronically file form 941 for year-end.

Note: Before you can electronically file tax forms, you must create an account.

There is a third-party charge for electronic filing tax forms. Fees vary based on the number of records and forms filed, along with the services you choose. The total displays in the last step of electronic filing.

To view current pricing, visit the ACS Tax E-File Website.

In Payroll, you can create and electronically file Form 941. All employers withholding income tax on wages are required to file this form each quarter.

Before editing fields on Form 941, refer to the IRS Form 941 Instructions.

Creating Form 941

Before e-filing Form 941, enter the 941 information into the Form 941 Expert, just like you do when printing the form.
  1. Under Generate Reports, click the Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Payroll 941, W-2s, and ACA Forms, then click Go .
  3. On the 941 tab, select Create/Print 941.
  4. Optional: To print the 941 worksheet for each department to which employees are assigned, select Department, then click Select and choose the departments to e-file the 941 for.
  5. Click OK.
  6. When the Form 941 Expert displays, select one of the following options:
    • Create a new form 941 ā€” To create a new Form 941 or the Schedule B, select this option. This clears all selections and adjustments that you made the last time you completed the process.
    • Edit existing form 941 computations ā€” If you created Forms 941 or Schedule B, select to edit amounts.
    • Print/Preview existing form 941 ā€” To print the Forms 941, 941-V, or Schedule B, select this option. The last information you created or edited for the forms prints.
  7. Click Next to complete steps 1-8 of the Form 941 Expert.
  8. When finished, a confirmation message displays. Enter your E-File PIN, then click Tax E-File.

Registering for a PIN

The first time you electronically file Form 941, you must register for a PIN if you do not already have one. This PIN is assigned by the IRS and replaces your signature on the paper form. The IRS requires a separate PIN for each person who electronically "signs" the 941.

After requesting your PIN, you should expect a response from the IRS within 7-10 days. Then, you can electronically file Form 941.
  1. After creating Form 941, click Need a PIN #?.
  2. In the PIN Application Form window, enter information into the required fields, then click Send PIN Application.

Verifying and Transmitting Form 941

After you create Form 941, you can print the form to verify the information before submitting it to the IRS. Verifying the form lets you correct any errors, create the form again, and transmit it.
Note: To receive one free complete E-filing (Federal/State/Recipient), use the code BA7 when submitting your forms. One-time use only.
  1. After entering information in the Form 941 Expert, click Tax E-File.
  2. When the ACS Tax E-File window displays, click Print 941.
  3. Review the printed copy and make any necessary corrections within the Form 941 Expert, then click Tax E-File to return to the ACS Tax E-File window.
  4. In the ACS Tax E-File window, click Transmit File.
  5. After transmitting your file with no errors, the E-filing Dashboard displays in a web browser. You can then select the services you want to file, view subtotals, and check out.

After E-Filing Form 941

After you electronically file tax forms, you can view the E-Filing Dashboard to complete forms you started but have not submitted for e-filing, check the status of your filings, view submitted forms, and view summary and reconciliation reports.
  1. Under Generate Reports, click the Period End Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Payroll 941, W-2s, and ACA Forms, and click Go .
  3. On the W-2 tab, click Tax E-File.
  4. In the ACS Tax E-File window, click View Dashboard.
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