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Set up to Print an Endorsement Line

Set up your SmartSource® Check Scanner to print an endorsement line on the back of your checks.

  • Make sure your ink cartridge is in place.

The SmartSource 55 DPM and 120 DPM models support printing an endorsement line on checks.
  1. In your computer's search bar, enter for File Explorer.
  2. Click File Explorer.
  3. In the File Explorer's search bar, enter C:\program files\cpi\scanner files.
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  5. Double-click scanner.exe.config.
    The file opens in Notepad or your default text editor.
  6. On the line <add key="Endorse" value="N"/>, change "N" to Y.
  7. If scanning with the SmartSource 120 DPM Scanner, in the LocalEndorseText line, enter 10-15 spaces to prevent the endorsement line from printing on the left edge.
  8. On the <add key="LocalEndorseText" value="METABANK"/> line, replace "METABANK" with the endorsement line you want to print on your checks.
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