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Free View Assists

To request a free view assist, please gather the necessary information and submit a case to Support.

Each church can have two free view assists each month, with a maximum of 15 minutes allowed per view assist. If your view assist requires a more complicated configuration beyond the time we have allotted for each customer's free assists each month, it is considered a Professional Service and may be subject to an hourly rate. If this is the case, we will notify you before any billable work is completed on your request for your approval.

Section 1: Started View

Please start the view on the appropriate Page and add whatever columns and filters you can.

The Page always determines which rows can be displayed in the view. The Filters will reduce this list of rows so that only particular rows show. The columns can be from other tables, as long as they are somehow related to the rows in the Page.

Important: Include a link to that view with your request.

Section 2: Fields

What fields do you want added to the view? (this should be limited to the fields you are not able to add yourself)

Include the following:

  • The exact name of the field to display in the View
  • The order in relationships to other fields
  • The exact calculation for the field

Describe any calculated fields like mathematical statements, referring to the particular page fields that will be used in the calculation. Provide links to example records as a way of indicating how the calculations will be derived.

When referring to any related records in the database, provide IDs or direct links to the records.

If you don't have access to the page the values can be found on, provide screenshots with the values highlighted (or point them out in your description).

The idea is to do as much legwork/research as you can before requesting assistance.

Section 3: Filters

What criteria do you want the view to filter on? (this should be limited to the filters you are not able to add yourself)

When referring to any related records in the database, provide IDs or direct links to the records.

If you don't have access to the page the values can be found on, provide screenshots with the values highlighted (or point them out in your description).

Describe any calculations like mathematical statements, referring to the particular page fields that will be used in the calculation. Provide links to example records as a way of indicating how the calculations will be derived.

When referring to any records in the database, provide IDs or direct links to the records.

The idea is to do as much legwork/research as you can before requesting assistance.

Section 4: User Access

If the View should be limited to a particular User, User Group, or everyone, please specify.

Section 5: Description/Mockup

Provide a general description of what the View is and what it is supposed to accomplish.

If the fields or filters requested in Sections 2 and 3 are complicated or very unique to your church culture, you should include a mockup of an example showing the connection between records where the information is pulled from.