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Standard Statement Troubleshooting

The Accounting Company page includes Standard Statement Settings. Some of these parameters are limited to a specific range. If values are set outside of the acceptable ranges, an error message displays when you attempt to save the record. If you receive the error message, confirm the parameters are within the acceptable range and try saving the record again.

Screenshot of an Accounting Company record with the Unexpected Error message

  • Rows Per Page:
    • Number of donation rows that fit safely on a single contribution statement. 26 is recommended, but values between 15 and 30 are accepted. Testing is recommended if you select greater than 26 rows.
    • Acceptable Values: 15–30
  • Summary Columns:
    • Number of columns on your statement that will summarize Statement Headers. For example, if set to 4, the first 3 Statement Headers will be explicitly listed, and Donations to Programs under those headers will be summarized in their respective columns. The final column will be "Other".
    • Acceptable Values: 1–6
  • Archive Day of the Year:
    • Day of the year when the prior year Statements will be automatically archived. Default is 46 (February 15th).
    • Acceptable Values: 26–121