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Set parameters for your Donor Standard Statements.

The reports are rendered according to configurable parameters set in the report and values set on accounting company page.

Report Parameters

Image showing Donor Standard Statement parameters.

  • Accounting Company: Select the Accounting Company.
  • Gave at Least: This is the minimum amount that needs a report.
  • Sort Order: The postal (address) or Name.
  • Stmt Yr: This defaults to the current year.
    Note: This field is required if you launch the report from the Accounting Companies page.
  • Print: The number of pages to print (1, 2, 3, 4+ pages).
  • Show:
    • Payment Type (no Item Number):This displays the following:
      • Check Number, if the donation was made with a check.
      • If an Item Number is present, the Item Number (for example, "Visa").
      • If an Item Number is not present, the Payment Type (for example, "Cash").
    • Printed Date: The current date.
    • Archived/As of Date: The statement's 'Last Change by Routine'.
    • Logo: The default file attached to the Accounting Company.
    • Letter: Sources from the Accounting Company.
    • Envelope #: The donor's envelope number.
    • Lines: This lays a grid over Donations.
  • Group/Segment: Statements are broken into groups of up to 1,000 per year and Accounting Company to create smaller batches of statements to run at one time. For example, if there are 5,420 statements this year for your Accounting Company, you can select one of six segments to generate and print.

Accounting Company Parameters

Image showing Accounting Company parameters for Donor Standard Statements.

  • Rows Per Page: This is the number of donation rows (15 to 30) that can fit safely on a single contribution statement page. We recommend 26 rows.
  • Summary Columns: This is the number of columns (one to six) on your statement that summarize Statement Headers. For example, if set to four, the statement explicitly lists the first three Statement Headers and summarizes the Donations to Programs under those headers respectively. The final column is "Other."
    Note: If you select "one" Summary Column, the statement lists each donation distribution, instead of each donation.
  • Formal Salutation: If set to Yes, the greeting appears above the address block of the Donor Statements using the Donor's title and First Name, rather than the Nickname.
  • Alternate Pledge Campaign: A second, additional campaign for which a donor sees their pledge recap, including their pledge balance in the top corner of their donor statement.
Note: If values are set outside of the acceptable ranges, error messages display when attempting to save the record. If you receive the error message when attempting to save an Accounting Company's record, confirm the parameters are within the acceptable range and re-save the record. See Standard Statement Troubleshooting for additional information.