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Donor Statements FAQ

Note: We recommend using the Standard Statement. Standard Statements are accurate both up-to-the-day and historically. And you can use them with the My Contributions Widget!

To get started, check out Standard Statements. If you need help, feel free to contact Support.

Q1: Can you tell who has viewed or printed their contribution statement online?

No, it is not possible to tell who has viewed or downloaded their statement. It is recommended that if you choose to email statements you include information on who to contact in case they would like a printed statement mailed to them.

Q2: On multi-page statements, how does the printer know to break between the statements.

On the Donor Stmt: # Column reports, there is an option to print all statements, one-page-only statements, two-page statements, or three-or-more-page statements. For multi-page statements, the indicator of the break is "continued next page" text instead of a total line.

Q3: Is there a Donor Stmt report that allows Pledge Campaigns to be included?

The standard Donor Statements have the option to include one Pledge Campaign. Alternatively, you could generate a separate Pledge statement by using the Pledge Campaign Stmt report. There is no standard report that includes multiple Pledge Campaigns (but you could work with Professional Services to develop one).

Q4: When I use the five- or six-column Donor Stmt report, no description shows up. What's going on?

The five- and six-column Donor Statements do not have the Description column. If you want a description for the Other column, you'll have to use a four-column (or less) report.

Q5: When I run a Donor Stmt report, it keeps saying that "there are no statements which meet your criteria". What am I doing wrong?
  • Check to make sure the Finalize Batch Date on the Batch record is greater than zero.
  • Ensure that there are actually Donation records within the period you're trying to report on.
  • Check to ensure Donations have a Batch ID. This is required for Donations to show on a report.
  • Ensure the Donor's Statement Frequency is not set to "Never". Donor who have opted to "never" receive a Statement, will not return results when running a Donor Statement report.
Q6: When I run Donor Stmt: 4 Col Selected, why does it total to "Multiple Designations" rather than breaking down the designations?

The report is designed this way to make sure it prints the expected number of rows within the fixed width. The way to fix this is to properly set up Statement Headers and properly assign those to Programs since that statement format allows for the three most common Funds to have their own column (so only one thing would show in the Other column).

Q7: How do I modify the introductory note/instructions before the list of Donations?

You can modify the Statement Instructions (for example, "2016 donations through 12/31/2016 are included below") in the report parameters when running the report.

Q8: What shows up in the Description column of two-, three-, or four-column Donor Stmt reports?

The Description column displays the Program name for any Donations listed in the Other column.

Q9: Can I run a Donor Statement on one Program only?

In order to do this, you can create a selection of all tax-deductible programs that you do not want to include, mass assign them with Tax-Deductible set to No and then run the statement. Then, use the same selection and reassign them back with Tax Deductible set to Yes. Another option is to temporarily move the program you want to run statements on, into a separate congregation and accounting company.

Q10: What size window envelopes work well with the Contribution Statements?

Size ten single window envelopes work well (as long as the folding machine settings are appropriate). Double window envelopes can work as well, but require you to forgo the standard logo and replace it with an image of your return address block and sufficient white space.

Q11: Why is the wife's name printing before the Husband's on some of my Contribution Statements?

The Contribution statements are designed to handle who prints first using the following criteria:

  • When last names are the same: First (Male HOH) & First (Female HOH) Last.
  • When last names are different:
    • Both Donors have donations: First Last (Male HOH) & First Last (Female HOH).
    • Only one Donor has donations: First Last (of Donor with Donations) & First Last (of Spouse without Donations).
Q12: I am using the Selected Donor Letter report. How do I change the text that displays in the letter?

The text of this letter comes from the Accounting Companies page in the Church Structure section. Update the text in the "Donor Letter" field.

Q13: How do I send an email to both heads of households if only one head of household has given in the last year?

Only those individual Donors who gave in the last year will be displayed in the "Gave last year: Deductible" view. To send an email to both heads of household, do the following:

  1. Select all of the Donors.
  2. Select Tools > Transfer Selection.
  3. Choose Copy to another page.
  4. Give it a name.
  5. Choose Select Heads instead.
  6. Click Transfer.

The new selection will include both heads of household for individuals.

Note: This process will remove any companies from your selection, so be sure to select them and send either a separate email or add them to your existing selection.
Q14: Why are end dated programs still showing up on Contribution statements?

Any donation attributed with a tax-deductible program, whether or not that program is end dated will display on the Donation statement.

Q15: When I run the Donor statement, the logo is not showing?

Check to ensure that only one attachment on the Accounting company is marked as the default. Also, ensure that only one of your Accounting Companies is set as Active.

Q16: Why can't I find a member's online payment for an event on a contribution statement?

Payments for event registration DO NOT show up on the contribution statement.

Q17: Why am I getting this error when trying to run a Donor Stmt report: "The value provided for the report parameter 'MinGiv' is not valid for it's type?"

Check the value entered in the "Minimum Giving" field, this should be an integer only - no commas or periods. For example, 1 instead of 1.00, or 5000 instead of 5,000.