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Platform - June 2024

We have a few enhancements in the works for you. More details coming soon!


  • We added a field for Last Token Request on Authentication Log records. When a user logs in, a new record is created as usual. If that user selected Keep me logged in on this device, then each time they access the Platform after that, the Last Token Request field will be updated with the date and time. This way, you can monitor who is accessing MinistryPlatform, even when they choose to stay logged in.
  • In March, we provided the ability to add CSS to your authentication screens by adding a file to your Domain record. But sometimes, the CSS remained on the login screen after the file had been removed. Now, your local browser cache updates to reflect any changes right away.

Event Series

  • *From the Idea Board*: When creating a recurring schedule, you can now clear specific dates so they aren't included in the series. After you set the recurrence pattern, just click the dates you don't want to include!

    Gif showing a recurrence pattern where you can clear certain dates by clicking on the calendar


  • *From the Idea Board*: Have you ever worked for while to make your message perfect, then mistakenly closed out of the New Message tool? We've alleviated that frustration! Now, if there's anything in the subject, body, or attachments, a warning displays if you close the tool or click the X before saving your changes.

    New Message Tool showing a warning with options to go back to your draft or discard your message

  • We updated the Message Curfew warning to include the time frame (Message Curfew Start Time and End Time) when users are allowed to send messages.

    Message Curfew warning showing the time frame when users can send messages

  • Fixed an issue where the Send to Parents recipient list was being counted towards the Exceed Messaging Quota. Now, as long as a user's initial selection is below their quota, they can send messages to parents without triggering the Send With Approval process.

User Interface

  • If you've ever lost track of a dialog box while moving it around your screen, you're in luck! Now, the entire box stays in view instead of falling off the edge of your screen. Note that this is only for Platform dialog boxes; Tools and Reports open in new browser windows.

    Gif showing how the New Message tool dialog box pops back into view after you move it off the screen

  • When you're in Grid layout and you click Reset Grid Defaults from the Actions menu, you'll now see each column's width restored to its default size.


  • *From the Idea Board*: We removed the requirement for a filter clause when creating a new view. If you create a view but don't add any filters, the clause "1=1" is added automatically when you save. That way, you don't get a warning message when you just want to see a different set of columns.
  • The Sacraments Completed view on the Dioceses or Districts page now includes a breakdown of each sacrament. So you'll see how many baptisms, marriages, and so on have been completed at each diocese/district.

Additional Improvements

  • The Audit Log now records the name of an impersonating user when they complete a User Task.
  • Fixed an issue where users who required multi-factor authentication (MFA) were prompted for a code every time they logged in, even after selecting the Register this device for 30 days option.
  • Fixed an error that displayed when users tried to complete multiple assigned tasks associated with filtered pages.