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Handle Double-Booked Rooms

You may run into a situation where two or more events are scheduled in the same room for the same day and time. This is most likely to happen when a recurring series is created. Here's how to fix it!

Identify Double-Booked Rooms

  1. Go to Events.
  2. In the view menu, click View: Double Booked Rooms.
  3. Or, click Reports > Double-Booked Rooms.
If you'd like, you can set up a View Notification to email the contents of this view on a daily or weekly basis.

Correct Double-Booked Rooms

Once you identify double-booked rooms, you can edit either record to reflect the change you need to make.
  1. Edit the Room Reservation record for either event.
  2. Select an available room (if it's the one you want to keep), or set Cancelled to Yes (if it's the one you no longer need).

Automate a Notification for Double-Booked Rooms

The Double Booked Rooms report can be scheduled as part of a subscription to be sent to a specific person. This is done in Reporting Services as a Data-Driven Subscription. This requires an Enterprise version of Reporting Services and there is a one-time setup fee from ACS Technologies for this data-driven subscription. To pursue this option, a SPoC can email Support.