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Configuring Rooms

From the Platform, create Rooms with the correct specifications.

  • Ensure that the Rooms you use for an Event are in the Platform.
  • Ensure the Rooms have Room Reservation records for the Events:
    1. Open an Event record in MinistryPlatform.
    2. On the Rooms & Groups subpage, click New.
    3. Choose the Room and Group, and complete any required fields.
    4. Set any other optional values.
    5. Click Save.
  • Ensure any Room Reservation records include a specified Group.

Room Fields Related to Check-In Suite

Check-In Suite uses Rooms in MinistryPlatform to enhance the check-in process and functionality of a Kiosk and/or Classroom Manager. Each Room Reservation has fields specific to Check-In Suite that you must set correctly for a Room to display in the Check-In Suite.

Maximum Capacity
The capacity of this room; how many people it can safely accommodate. Reported against actual attendance in the Group Room Overview section of the Admin Console.
Note: Use Max Capacity with Balance Priority (see below). Unless Auto Close at Capacity is set to Yes, Rooms over capacity without another Room configured for balancing do not "close" and go "over" capacity.
Print Server
The print server mapped to this Room. Manage these mappings in the Printer Mappings section of the Admin Console.
Printer Name
The printer name mapped to this Room. Manage these mappings in the Printer Mappings section of the Admin Console.

Room Reservation Fields Related to Check-In Suite

The Group using the Room.
Default Group Room
Deprecated field. Replaced by Balance Priority field.
Balance Priority
For balancing Participants between Rooms:
  • For one Group using one Room, set the Room Reservations to zero.
  • For multiple Groups sharing the same Room, set both Room Reservations to zero.
  • For one Group assigned to multiple Rooms:
    • Fill one completely, then fill other: Set first Room Reservation to zero, then other to one.
    • Fill evenly, back and forth: Set both Room Reservations to zero.
Note: You can't "mix" balance priorities (for example, Room one and Room two have balance priority set to zero and Room three has a balance priority set to one). Either all Rooms should have zero or you should set Rooms in order of filling one, two, three, four, and so on.
Note: Balancing is per check-in, so friends and family can stay together, even if it overflows the Room. If you have a Group set to fill two Rooms evenly and a family checks in their son and daughter (who are in the same Group) at the same time, they will be assigned to the same Room.
If set to Yes, the Room is not available for Participants to check into regardless of other settings. You can change this from Check-In Suite in the Group Room Overview.
AutoClose At Capacity
If set to Yes, the Room displays as closed on the Group Room Overview in the Check-In Suite Admin Console. It will not be available for check-in from an unattended Kiosk. You can view and override this from Check-In Suite in the Group Room Overview.