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Post Payments and Donations

With this quick posting, you can create a new batch to post. Or, if you previously created a batch but didn't post it, you can return to it.

Important Reminders:
  • A fund must have a fund identifier, fund name, and fund period.
  • Before you can post information to a fund, it must have at least one group and activity.
  • You can use this quick posting to add the fund to a family record, eliminating the need to return to the family's fund before a payment can be posted.
  • If a family record hasn't been added, you can add it during this quick posting.
  • With the flexible date feature, you can post entries outside of a fund's date range. So, you can post payments (with the actual date paid) to a pledge drive before it begins or after it ends.
  • When you begin the quick posting, a batch number is assigned to the list of entries and posted to each family's Rates/History/Keywds window.
  1. On the Information tab, click Tuition & Fees > Quick Posting > Payment/Donation Entry.
  2. If there are unfinished batches, select the one you want and click Use Existing Batch. Or, click Add New Batch.
  3. When you add a new batch, the Quick Posting Options dialog box displays. Select options for your posting, and click Use/OK.
  4. In the grid, enter or select the fund and payment information.
    • Non-cash donations usually don't have a dollar value. You can enter 0 for the amount, and describe the item in the Comment field.
    • In the optional Check # Cash field, you can enter the check number or payment method (up to 10 characters). For example, if a payment was made with cash, enter "CASH", or if it was paid by credit card, you can enter "MC", "Visa", or any description you want.
    • Donors who had insufficient funds in the past display in pink text. To avoid bank fees, ensure these donors have sufficient funds before posting.
  5. If you have a check that goes toward multiple funds or activities, enter the information then click Split at the bottom.
    1. Select whether to split the check by amounts or percentages.
    2. Enter the amount or percentage for the first fund and activity. This defaults to the one you entered in the grid, but you can change it if needed.
    3. Select the next fund and activity, and enter the amount or percentage.
    4. To add more, click Add Another Line. Repeat these steps until your amount or percentage remaining is 0.
    5. Click Apply/OK to replace the original line in the grid with lines for each entry you added.
  6. To include a payment/donation for another family, click Insert. Repeat this for each family you want to update. When you're done, click Save.
    • If you have a large number of entries and need to correct one, click Filter/Search to find it.
    • Are you a fast typist? If you're entering payments/donations for the same fund, date, and activity, you can enter that common information in the first grid entry, then click Fast at the bottom. In the dialog box, you can quickly enter each family, their amount, and optionally, a check number. Press Enter or Tab to jump to the next family. When you're done, click Apply to copy the entries into the quick posting grid.
  7. If you need to change any information for all entries in your list, click Change All. Note that your changes only apply to the entries currently displayed.
  8. To post, click Post to Families & Members. Or, to save the batch and post later, click Finish Later.

Payments and Donations Additional Information

Quick Posting Window
This window contains a grid that displays fund payment/donation information for families. The batch number is assigned and posted to the bottom grid of the Rates/History/Keywds window.

Under the family's information above the grid, you have options to add or change rates and keywords, view their giving history, or edit their information and view members.

Once you start building your batch, you'll see the running total at the top left of the window. This shows the total amount of all entries in the grid. However, you may need to view the running total up to a certain entry. Select Total to Cursor to do this. You can always switch between these views based on your needs.

You can filter or search the information in the grid by clicking Filter/Search.
  • Filter the List–Use the filter to see only the results you want in the list. Clear the filter to see all the transactions in the batch again.
  • Search in the List–Use this option to "jump" to a certain transaction. You'll continue to see the entire batch, but your cursor moves to the transaction you're looking for. If multiple transactions match your search, this works like the filter and only shows those results in the list.

To change any information (like fund number, year, date, activity) for the batch entries, click Change All. Your changes only apply to the entries currently displayed in your list. If you only want to change some entries, use the filter to display only those you want to change.

To change the option fields for a batch at any time during the quick posting, in the Quick Posting window, click Options.

Note: You can resize and reorder the grid columns by clicking the column heading and dragging and dropping it in the new location.
Quick Posting Options
Use this dialog box to select information that you want to repeat automatically for each payment/donation. You can also automatically post check numbers, comments, and attendance for all entries. Additionally, you can export the totals to PDS Ledger or QuickBooks.

If you use a barcode scanner to pull in ID numbers, select Remove Leading Zeros from ID.

To open this dialog box during the quick posting, in the Quick Posting window, click Options.

Quick Posting Batches
If you save your batch and return to the quick posting at a later time, your existing batches display in this dialog box. You can continue the quick posting with an existing batch, create a new batch to use, or delete a batch.
Quick Posting Report Choices
If you print information from your quick posting, you have several choices for what you want to print. This includes summary information, a detailed list, deposit information, along with receipts, labels, and/or envelopes. For receipts, you can choose whether to print one per amount or one per name, which is useful for split payments.

Save a Batch as a Template

If you often run the same batch of transactions for a certain situation, you can save the batch to use next time you run this quick posting.

  1. In the Payment/Donation Entry quick posting, enter or select the fund and payment information for the batch.
    Note: These will be the same transactions used for the batch template, which will display by default every time you select this template.
  2. At the top, click Save Batch as Template.
  3. Click OK to confirm that you must post this batch in order for the template to be saved.
  4. Enter a name for your template to describe the situation it should be used for.
  5. When you're ready to post the batch and save the template, click Post to Families & Members.

You can select your saved template next time you run this quick posting.

Create a Batch from a Template

If you've saved a previous batch as a template, you can create a new batch from the template.

  1. Open the Payment/Donation Entry quick posting. In the Quick Posting Batches dialog box, click the Templates tab.
  2. Select the template name you want, then click Use Template.
  3. Enter the date for the new batch, then click Use/OK.
  4. Review all the entries. Make any necessary changes and add any additional families, if needed.
    Tip: If you have a large number of entries and need to correct one, click Filter to find it.
  5. If you need to change any information for all entries in your list, click Change All. Note that your changes only apply to the entries currently displayed.
  6. To post, click Post to Families & Members. Or, to save the batch and post later, click Finish Later.
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