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Advanced Attribute Filters

Want to filter Groups by multiple Meeting days? You can do that! If the attribute is multi-select in the Widget, you can include multiple, comma separated values in the attribute filter.

<mpp-group-finder target="/opportunity-details" meetingdays="2,4,6"></mpp-group-finder>

URL Filters

URL Filters are applied when someone accesses the Finder widget. This can be used to direct users to a widget page with search values pre-selected. Users can continue to search by adding or changing parameters.

Note: Filters that are multi-select in the Finder can be filtered by multiple, comma separated values. But filters that are single-select in the Finder (for example, Congregation ID) can only be filtered by one value.

The Group Finder Widget's base URL can be appended with specific filters to apply the search criteria you want. Pre-filtering the URL is a convenient way to contextually limit Groups. In the following examples, a church has defined the path or groups for their Group Finder.


This should be adapted to fit each church's placement of their Group Finder. https://yourchurch.com/getinvolved/smallgroups

For example, if a church's Small Groups are accepting new members in the fall this church may provide a pre-filtered link showing only those Groups.


In another example, a church may introduce several new classes which meet in the evening and provide a pre-filtered link for this time period:

  • Congregation/Campus: Filters by a Congregation. The default is empty.
    • Parameter: congregationId
    • Valid Values: A single Congregation ID or empty for unspecified.
  • Key Word: Filters by key words. The default is empty.
    • Parameter: keyword
    • Valid Values:
      • Empty for unspecified
      • URL encoded keywords
        • Standard A-Z and 0-9 characters are all valid.
        • Spaces should be replaced with a plus (+).
          Note: The is different from than the Key Word Attribute filer, which does not require the a plus.
        • Other characters must be encoded.
  • Neighborhood (Parent Group): Filters by the Parent Group. The default is empty.
    • Parameter: parentgroupid
    • Valid Values: A Group Id or empty for unspecified.
  • City or Postal Code: Filters by a city name or postal code. The default is empty.
  • Parameter: citypostalcode
  • Valid Values:
    • Empty for unspecified
    • A Postal Code (zip code)
    • URL encoded City Name
      • Standard A-Z and 0-9 characters are all valid.
      • Spaces should be replaced with a plus (+).
      • Other characters must be encoded
      • The easiest way to determine encoding is by searching using the criteria and copying from the resulting URL.
  • Group Focus: Filters by Group Focus. The default is empty.
    • Parameter: groupfocusid
    • Valid Values: Group Focus Id or empty for unspecified.
  • Life Stage: Filters by Life Stage. The default is empty.
    • Parameter: "lifestageid"
    • Valid Values: Life Stage Id or empty for unspecified.
  • Meeting Days: Filters by one or more Meeting Day. The default is empty.
    • Parameter: meetingdays
    • Valid Values: 1 to 7 (1 = Sunday)
  • Meeting Time: Filters by Meeting Time. The default is empty.
    • Parameter: meetingtimes
    • Valid Values:
      • Morning
      • Lunchtime
      • Afternoon
      • Evening
      • Empty for unspecified (the default)
  • Meets Online: Filters by Meets Online field.
    • Parameter: "meetsonline"
    • Valid Values: True or False