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Migrating Nametags

Moving Existing Check-In 2 Nametags (Label Set) to the New Check-In Suite

Check-In 2 nametags cannot be "migrated" as the files/structure is completely different, but they can be recreated. You can recreate them yourself if needed. See Label Sets (Name Tags) for details.

Or, you can engage the Professional Services team to recreate the Check-In 2 nametags in the new Check-In Suite Admin Console. Typically, the recreation of a label set takes roughly 2-5 hours of Professional Services time but varies based on the level of detail of the nametags. Please consult your Service Level Agreement for fee amounts.

Requesting a Nametag (Label Set) be Recreated

Please answer the following questions when requesting an existing Check-In 2 nametags be recreated in the new Check-In Suite:

  1. What is the name of the nametags in Check-In 2 (including a screenshot might be helpful in identifying)?
  2. What should the label set and labels be called in the new Check-In?
  3. Any changes to the labels in the label set?
    Note: This will impact the cost of the recreation.
    If so, please provide clear details on tokens, images, etc.

Services are subject to availability. Hourly rates apply. Please consult your Service Level Agreement for fee amounts. To receive an estimate, please contact Support.

Important: Ultimately, Check In 2 will no longer be supported and your system's Check-In 2 (/checkin2) URL will be disabled (specific dates TBD). Thus, requests for recreation from existing nametags must be received prior to this date to ensure access to the needed files.
Note: It is very important to note that providing a request is only the beginning of the conversation. Keep in mind that the requested label set, formatting, and additional features may not be possible and are at the discretion of the label set developer. A response to your request will be provided and agreed upon before any work is begun.