Set Up Event Calendars
- If you plan to use the Event Calendar for registration, provide us with login/transaction keys and we will update your Portal.
- Decide whether you want Events assigned to a default congregation to display on the Event Calendar regardless of the selected Congregation. To do so, go to Administration > Configuration Settings and update the following Configuration Setting: GlobalCongregationID.
- If you plan to use the Event Calendar for registration, go to Administration > Configuration Settings and update the following Configuration Settings.
- PaymentsFromEmail: the email address registration receipts send from.
- PaymentsEmailSubject: the subject line of registration receipts.
- RegisteredParticipationStatusID: the Participation Status ID assigned to an individual when they register for an event.
- FreeAmountText: the text that replaces the dollar amount if there is no cost associated with the Event registration.
- Use the Portal Admin page for the Configuration Settings to take effect immediately.
- Ensure the appropriate Congregations display in the drop-down for filtering purposes. To do so, go to to Church Structure > Congregations, and edit the Congregations to set the Available Online field to Yes.
- Ensure the appropriate Ministries display in the drop-down for filtering purposes. To do so, go to Church Structure > Ministries, and edit the Ministries to set the Available Online field to Yes.
- If you plan to use the Event Calendar for registration, go to the Portal Web Config file on the server and update the following settings as needed.
- Enable eChecks: allows users to pay for Event registration via eCheck (depends on whether your Authorize.Net account allows this option).
- "Show Summary" Value: "Show Summary" is the default value, but you can change it if needed.
- If you plan to use the Event Calendar for registration, make sure your Event Registration email template is set up as needed.
- Place the navigation link to the Event Calendar (event_calendar.aspx) in the appropriate place on your Portal skin. If needed, you can also place the link on the church website.
- If you plan to use the Event Calendar for registration, familiarize yourself (and your users, as appropriate) with Products. A Product is a required item for registration to be live.
- Set up your Event Approval Process as needed.
- Email Support if you want any of these settings double-checked.