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Memorial Campaigns

When someone in your church passes away, you may want to record gifts in their memory.


Only one Memorial Pledge Campaign is needed to track all memorials. One-time setup includes:

  1. Create an Event of type Stewardship Project. If you do not have this Event Type, you or your SPoC will need to create one on the Event Types page in the Look Up Values section.
  2. Create a Pledge Campaign of type Memorial:
    • Associate the event you created with this Pledge Campaign.

Individual Memorial Setup

  1. Follow the normal deceased person process to indicate someone has passed away.
  2. Create a pledge and assign it to the Memorial Pledge Campaign:
    • Make sure the Pledge is active.
    • Make sure you connect the Pledge to the Donor record of the deceased individual.

Processing Donations

  1. When gifts are received, use the Batch Manager Tool or edit the Distribution record of the gift to assign it to the correct Pledge.
  2. When gifts are no longer being received, edit the Pledge record changing it to Completed.

Accepting Online Donations

Though rare, you may elect to receive online donations through the Portal for a memorial. The best approach involves use of the Mission Trip/Project page. That page prevents recurring gifts and enables the donor to include a note. Your web department may need to make changes to the Portal skin or configuration to make this page more generic and less mission trip oriented.

Use of Mission Trip Giving on the Portal to accept memorial donations requires that you make two changes to the Pledge Campaign created above. First, set a Program value on the Pledge Campaign created above. It can be a new Program or an existing one. Second, change your Pledge Campaign Type to Mission Trip/Project. Review the Mission Trip Setup article for other details.


You may report on the gifts with a view or selection on the Distributions page. You may also select the Pledge on the Pledges page and run a report from there.