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Follow Up During the Week

Review data entry from Check-In

  • From the Households page, use the Check-in New Past 7 Days view.
  • From the Participants page, you may create a view or sort an existing view by Participant Start Date. Records created by the Check-in System have "Created by CheckIn" in the Notes field, so you may use this note as a criteria to find people.

Review new Group Participants

From the Group Participants Page, you can find all new Group Participants in your ministry by searching for your ministry name and sorting by Start Date. Records created by the Check-in System have "Created by CheckIn" in the Group Participant notes field.

From the Group Participants Page, the following views assist with data quality:

  • Fix End Date Needed: Shows people who need an end date because the person is inactive. Use the Assign tool to expedite this action.
  • Fix Past Group End Date: Shows people who are in groups that have been end dated. These folks need an end date. Use the Assign tool to expedite this action.
  • Fix Multiple Grade Groups: Shows people in more than one group of type "Age or Grade Groups".
  • Multiple Roles Same Group: Shows people in the same group more than once.

Review reports

  • From the Events page, select the Events you want a report on. From the Reports menu, select Selected Event Summary report, then select the option to Show Dates & Times if needed, and click View Report.
  • From the Groups page, select the Groups you want a report on. Use one of the following reports to gain more insight into that group's attendance:
    • Selected Group Attendee Search
    • Selected Group Attendance
    • Selected Group Attendance by Individual

Review upcoming Events

  • From the Events page, click the Calendar grid layout icon at the top right. Review the next week or two of events to ensure all your events are present.
  • From the Events page, select the Last Recurring Event view to see if any of your recurring event series are coming to an end. If they are, open the last recurring event and copy it to extend the event by indicating a recurrence pattern.