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Create and Configure the Facebook App

  1. Log in to Facebook's Developers site.
  2. Create an App.
    1. Click Create App.
    2. Click Create a Connected Experience.
    3. Provide the necessary information.
      Tip: Use an administrative email (for example, support@[yourchurch].com).
    4. Click Create App.
  3. Configure the App.
    1. Go to Dashboard > Add Products to Your App > Facebook login.
    2. Click Set Up.
    3. Select WWW.
    4. Provide your website URL, being sure to include "widgets" to in your URL (for example, "https://[yourdomain]/widgets").
    5. Click Save.
    6. Skip options 2-5.
  4. Navigate to Products > Facebook Login > Settings and make the following selections:
    1. Set Client OAuth Login to Yes.
    2. Set Web OAuth Login to Yes.
    3. Set Enforce HTTPS to Yes.
    4. Set Force Web OAuth Reauthentication to No.
    5. Set Embed Browser OAuth Login to No.
    6. Set Use Strict Mode for Redirect URLs to Yes.
    7. Set Login from Devices to No.
  5. Add your Value OAuth Redirect URI.
    1. Add the Identity Provider Unique ID that was created when you set up the Facebook Identity Provider in the Platform.
      Remember: You'll need the Identity Provider Unique ID to contain all uppercase characters.
    2. Save your changes.