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Register Your Azure Active Directory

Configuring the Azure Active Directory external login allows your users to log in to their account, but they will not be able to create a new account via this external login.

  • Confirm you have System Administrator rights to the Platform and Administrative rights to Azure Portal > Active Directory.
  • Log in to the Platform and Azure.
    Tip: Stay logged in to both the Platform and Azure while you're setting up authentication.
  1. Go to Admin > Active Directory > App Registrations.
  2. Click New Registration.
  3. Name your Application.
  4. Select your account type.
    • Option 1: Accounts in this organizational directory only (Default Directory only - single - tenant).
    • Option 2: Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - multi-tenant) and personal Microsoft Accounts (such as Skype or Xbox).
    Note: You'll need to choose one of those two supported account types.
  5. Add your Redirect URI.
    1. Select Web from the drop-down menu.
    2. Add your Platform URL.
  6. Go to Register > Overview.
    You're redirected to a successful landing page.
  7. Copy the Application [Client] ID. (You'll need this when it's time to configure the Platform.)