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Final Steps

Add Your Redirect URI Endpoint to Azure

  1. Copy the Redirect URI Endpoint from the Settings field on the Identity Provider record in the Platform.
  2. Go to Default Directory > Overview > Redirect URI, and click the value you want to update.
  3. Paste the Redirect URI Endpoint you copied from the Platform. The Redirect URI in Azure should match the Redirect URI Endpoint in the Platform.
  4. Enable Access tokens (used for implicit flows).
  5. Enable ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows).
  6. Click Save.

Create & Add Your Client Secret

  1. Go to Azure > Default Directory > Overview > Client Credentials.
  2. Click Add a Certificate or Secret.
  3. Click New Client Secret.
    • In the Description field, enter your church name.
    • In the Expires field, enter 24 months.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Copy the value GUID.
  6. Go to Platform > Administration > Identity Providers > Azure AD.
  7. Click Edit.
  8. Paste the Client Secret you copied from Azure into the Client Secret field on the Identity Provider record.
  9. Click Save.

Restart the Auth App

  1. In the Platform, click your picture in the upper right corner and click User Account.
  2. Select Restart Auth App.
Once complete, a button for Azure AD displays on your Platform login page.