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Group Life Activities

The Activities tab in Group Life displays upcoming and past events associated with the group. Associate activities with the group using the Room Reservation record created when scheduling.

You can toggle between Upcoming Events (with a Start Date in the next 30 days) and Past Events (with a Start Date within the past three months) of the group. The list displays relevant activity information at a glance, which comes from the Event record:
  • Date: Event's date.
  • Location: Event's location. If there is none, the title of the Congregation associated with the event displays instead.
  • Meeting Instructions: Event's meeting Instructions that inform participants of what's needed to participate in the event.

Managing Activities

You can view information about activities in the list. Authenticated users, if allowed by an admin, can also manage activities.
  • To edit activity information, click the ellipsis in the activity's row and select Edit. The Audit Log tracks changes made to Event and Group records through Group Life.)
  • To cancel an upcoming event, click the ellipsis in the activity's row and select Cancel. This cancels the event, and it requires confirmation. If the event already passed, you can click the ellipsis and select Did Not Meet.
  • You can mark attendance for activities that already started (within the past 14 days) or are within one hour of their start time. Click the ellipsis in the activity's row and select Mark Attendance.

Add a New Activity

If your admin allows it, you can add an activity for your group, right from Group Life! If you have this ability, you'll see an Add Event button at the top of the Activities tab when you have Upcoming Events selected.
  • Title, dates, and times are required.
  • If the Event Date is within the eligible date range, the activity immediately displays in Group Life.
  • When you save the information, the appropriate Event and Room Reservation records are created.
  • The Congregation is the one associated with the group.
  • The Primary Contact is the authenticated user who scheduled the activity.
  • The Event Type is the one configured for CLOUDAPPS, GroupMeetingEventTypeId.
  • The Program is the one configured for CLOUDAPPS, GroupMeetingProgramId.
  • The Meeting Room is the one configured for CLOUDAPPS, GroupMeetingRoomId. Remember to update the Room ID to best meet your needs. Best Practice: Create a Room record for an Off-Campus meeting or a "No Room" room.

Admins: To allow group leaders and primary contacts to add activities, configure the setting for CLOUDAPPS, ShowAddActivityButton with Value set to "1".


People in the group can RSVP for an upcoming activity. This can help you gauge interest and plan ahead based on the number of people that attend.

Once someone selects an RSVP option, the following will occur:
  • Yes, I will be attending: An Event Participant record is created with a Participation Status of "02-Registered", and the RSVP Status is set to "Yes".
  • Maybe, I might be attending: An Event Participant record is created with a Participation Status of "01-Interested", and the RSVP Status is set to "Maybe".
  • No, I will not be attending: An Event Participant record is created with a Participation Status of "05-Cancelled", and the RSVP Status is set to "No".

If the participant changes their RSVP option, their Event Participation record updates with the appropriate Participation Status and RSVP Status. The Audit Log reflects these changes.

The number of people that responded to the RSVP for an activity displays on the Activities tab in Group Life. You can click RSVPs: # to see the names of those who responded. The Attendance tab also shows each person's response for the selected activity.