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Get a Bing API Key

You must have a Bing API key for CloudServices geocoding and distance and drive time calculations. If you're ready to use these powerful tools, get your Bing API key to get started!

  1. Go to Bing Maps API Key.
    You'll see several account levels and pricing options. Scroll down the page to find the Bing Maps Basic Key for a free option.
  2. Click Get a Free Basic Key.
  3. You'll go to the Bing Maps Portal.
  4. Click Sign in.
  5. If necessary, follow the prompts to set up an account.
    Note: You do not need to have a Microsoft account to set up an account.
  6. From the "My Account" drop-down menu, select Account Details.
  7. Click Enable Account.
  8. From the My Account drop-down menu, select My Keys.
  9. In the "Click here to create a new key hyperlink", click here.
  10. Provide the required Key information:
    1. Application Name: MinistryPlatform
    2. Application URL: The base URI on your Domain record
    3. Key Type: Basic
    4. Application Type: Website
  11. Click Create.
Your Bing API Key displays after you select Create. To copy your key, do the following:
  • Select Show Key.
  • Copy the value.
  • Select Copy Key.

Image displaying the API Key details for MinistryPlatform.

Add Your Bing API Key

After you copy your Bing API Key, add it to the Platform.
  1. Go to Administration > Configuration Settings.
  2. Find COMMON, BingAPIkey.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Paste your API Key into the value field.
    Tip: Be sure there are no spaces before or after your API Key.
  5. Click Save.