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Edit Profile Questions

Revise profile questions at any time, or toggle a question's active/inactive status.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  • You must already have profile questions created.
Profile questions help you get to know your participants better. You can include questions about their testimony and favorite Bible verse, or things like allergies and dietary restrictions. Their answers appear on submitted trip applications to give you a more comprehensive snapshot of your applicants, and they stay with them from trip to trip so they don't have to answer the same questions every time they apply to a new trip. It's a win-win!
  1. Click Admin > Manage Profile Questions.
  2. Click the profile question you want to edit.
  3. Edit the question. You can edit the text of the question and whether the question is Active or Inactive.
  4. Once finished, click Save Profile Question.
The profile question has been edited.