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Add an Image to an Outreach Partner

Display a logo or other image on an Outreach Partner's listing and detail pages.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
The listing page image displays on the Outreach Partner listing page, and the detail page image displays in the Outreach Partner's details page. For best results, use a JPEG that is at least 400px x 267px for the list page image and a JPEG that is at least 1200px x 600px for the details page image.
  1. On the top menu, click Outreach Partners.
  2. Select the Outreach Partner from the list.
  3. Click the Details tab.
  4. Under the Images section, click Edit.
  5. You change change both the Listing Page image, which shows on the Outreach Partners listing page, or the Detail Page image, which shows on the Outreach Partner's details page. Under the section of the page image you want to change, click Change.
  6. Select the picture you want to upload and click Open.
  7. Crop and/or rotate the image as necessary and click OK.
    The Outreach Partner page image editor screen, showing the image's crop area. The OK button is at the bottom right.
  8. If you want to change another image, repeat the previous steps.
  9. When finished, click Save Changes.
    The Outreach Partner's image screen with different images for the Listing Page and the Detail Page. The Save Changes button is at the bottom right.
You have now added an image to the Outreach Partner's public page!