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Add a Disclaimer Message

Disclaimers are statements that limit your legal liability for errors or omissions, the accidental sharing of personal opinions or notice of unintentional risks.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
Add a disclaimer message to limit your liability with an Outreach Partner. For example, if your organization partners with a secular organization, you can add a disclaimer message that acknowledges certain theological or philosophical differences yet encourages partnership for the good of the community - think "the views and opinions expressed in this program may not reflect the views and opinions of our organization". The disclaimer message displays on the Outreach Partner's details page, and there are no character limitations.
  1. Click Admin > Settings.
  2. On the left menu, click Outreach Partners.
  3. If you're not already there, click the Disclaimer tab.
  4. Enter your disclaimer message.
  5. Click Save Disclaimer.
    The Outreach Partners screen.
You have now added a disclaimer message. This disclaimer message will appear on all of your outreach partners' detail views.