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Change the Frequency of Reminder Emails

Change the frequency of reminder emails for funding milestones and requirements.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.

By default, reminder emails for funding milestones and requirements are sent out one week before a due date and daily after the due date has passed. You can change the frequency to three days, seven days, every two weeks, or once a month.

Additionally, there are two admin emails that you can set frequency values for: the Daily Participant Activity email and the Daily Trip Request Activity email.

  1. Click Admin > Email Settings.
  2. In the Emails tab, click Reminder Emails.The Reminder Emails section, showing several examples of reminder emails.
  3. Select an email and change the frequency as desired. Changes made to email frequency will affect all active trips.
    An example of a Requirements/Funding Milestones email. The Reminder Frequency drop-down list shows the options at the bottom.
  4. When finished, click Save Email.
The changes will be applied to active trips.
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