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Log In

Follow these steps to sign in to your account. Having trouble with your username and password? See our troubleshooting tips.

  • If you haven't received a username or password, contact your church or trip organizer.

  1. Using your web browser, go to your login page. The URL should be formatted as https://<churchtenantid>.gomethod.app/login/.
    Note: This is not the actual URL, this is the format of what the URL will look like. For example, for an organization such as ACS Technologies Church of Florence, the URL might look like https://acstcoff.gomethod.app/login/.
  2. Enter your email address and password. This must be the same email address and password established when setting up your account.
    1. If you're a MinistryPlatform user, you can enter your MinistryPlatform username instead of your email address.
    2. If you don't have an account, click Need an account.
    3. If you've forgotten your password, click Forgot Password.
    4. If you're on Twitter, you may log in using your existing Twitter username and password. Click LOG IN WITH TWITTER and enter your credentials.
  3. Click Log in.

Once you're logged in, the dashboard displays.