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Account Merging

When admins merge primary and secondary accounts, some information does not move to the primary account.

The following data does not merge between primary and secondary accounts.

  • Payment Schedule
  • Checklist items
  • Insurance
  • Meeting Attendance records
  • Global NDA

Merge Accounts

We recommend routinely cleaning up your database. Admins can merge old and new participant accounts for consolidation.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
When reviewing participant accounts, you may find duplicates. Participants occasionally forget or lose access to an old email could request a new account. At some point, you'll want for to merge old and new Go Method accounts. Merging accounts merges data such as background checks, emergency contacts, and old events.
Warning: Account merges cannot be undone.
  1. Use the Find A Person search box to look for the participant with duplicate accounts.
    The Find A Person search bar.
  2. If a participant has duplicate accounts, click on the most recent account.
    This opens their profile.
  3. In the left menu, click Merge as Primary.
    The account's profile screen. The Merge as Primary link is in the section below the profile picture, highlighted in red.
    The selected team member account is the Primary Person.
  4. At the bottom, under Search for the Duplicate Person, type the name of the participant.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Select the duplicate account to merge.
    The selected participant account is the Duplicate Person.
  7. Once you are certain, click Yes, Merge People.
    The Merge People screen.

Account Merging Conditions

When admins merge old accounts with new accounts, information is moved into the primary account, under the following conditions.

Merge TypeResult
Background Checks
  • Moves all background checks from the secondary account to the primary account.
  • If more than one background check is present, we default to the most recent background check.
Profile Data
  • Profile data such as address, profile questions, and profile pictures move if not present in the primary account.
ChMS External ID
  • Moved only if the primary account does not have an external ID.
Emergency Contacts
  • Emergency contacts move if the same name and relationship match.
  • If the primary and the secondary accounts have no matching names, all names move to the primary account.
  • If the primary has two matching emergency contacts, we do not move.
  • If the primary has one emergency contact that does not match, we move the one that does not match.
Application Answers
  • Missing answers are merged to primary. If the answer on the primary matches the answer on the secondary, the answer does not move.
Participant Payments
  • Participant payments move to the primary account.
  • All references will move over.
Person Roles
  • Person roles (security) and person affinity roles move over.
Two-factor Authentication
  • If the primary account has two-factor authentication, we take no action.
  • If the primary account has a system user, and the secondary account has two-factor authentication, we take no action.
  • If the primary account does not have a system user, and the secondary account does have two-factor authentication, we move it.
  • Two-factor authentication remains with the system user.