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Launch Kiosk and Check In Attendees

Launch a kiosk for check-in.

Only available to administrators and users who have the Launch Check-In Kiosks permission.

Once you've created a kiosk, you can launch it and check in attendees.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Check-In.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon next to the kiosk's name and select Launch Kiosk.
  3. Select Check-In-Only Mode and click Launch Kiosk.
  4. Enter the full name, last name, check-in number, or last four digits of the phone number of an attendee, and click Enter.
  5. Click the dotted circle next to an event, and click the button Check In <number of> People.
  6. A pop-up message notifies you when the badges are printed.
  7. Both child and parent badges print automatically to your browser's default printer (if using the security badge type) and measure 2-5/16" x 4". Security IDs are randomly generated and allow you to match child badge (below left) with parent badge (below right).
    Examples of a child badge with name, contact person and phone number, allergies, location, and security code, and a parent badge with service, location, date and time, and matching security code.