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Launch an Assisted Kiosk for Guest Check-in

Launch a kiosk to check in guests.

Only available to administrators and users who have the Launch Check-In Kiosks permission.

You can launch a kiosk where a volunteer operator assists guests with check-in. Once checked in, the individual will also be added to the event's group as a guest.

For volunteer-manned kiosks, you can check people into an event up to four hours early and four hours after it ends. For self-check-in kiosks, you can check people in up to four hours early, but not after the event's end time.

  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Check-In.
  2. Click the ellipsis icon next to the kiosk's name and select Launch Kiosk.
  3. Select Assisted Check-In & Dashboard Mode, and click Launch Kiosk.
  4. Click Add a Guest.
  5. Enter a Name and Profile Type.
  6. Enter any information required, and click Add.
  7. Click Add New Family Member to enter members of the guest's family.
  8. Select an event and click Check In <number of> People.
  9. If you want to add the guest to an event not listed, click Add to Event, select the events, and click Add to Events. Then click Check In <number of> People.