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Set the Web Schedule Properties

When you select a web schedule report, the Reports wizard guides you through the Report Overview window, and the Web Setup window follows. Use the options in this window to set up the properties to build your schedule webpage.

  1. In the Web Setup window, under Web Page, enter the path where you want to build your web schedule.htm files. For example, C:\PDS\MinSch\Schedule.htm.
  2. If you use FTP to transfer files, select Use FTP Transfer, and enter your FTP information. Click Next.
  3. If this report has any additional layout options, make your selections, then click Next.
  4. Select the ministry and assignment information to include on the web schedule, and click Next.
  5. Use the selection tabs to select the information you want to display on your web schedule.
  6. When you're finished, click Build.
  7. To view the webpage, click View File.

If you use the FTP transfer, your website is automatically updated as long as all information (URL and passwords) are entered correctly. If you're saving this on your hard drive, you must send the files to your website manager to put on your website.

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