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Platform Configuration

  • You must be a system administrator to do this.

Set up each application label you want the User Defined Labels widget to display on your site.

  1. In the navigation menu, click System Setup > Application Labels.
  2. Click New Application Label.
  3. For API Client, select TM.Widgets.
  4. For Label Name, enter mpp-user-label. and the label name you want, making sure there are no spaces or special characters.
    If you're setting up a label called "Welcome Message", Label Name would look like this: mpp-user-label.WelcomeMessage
  5. For each language, enter the translated text that should display depending on the user's selected language (if used in conjunction with the Language and Local widget).
  6. Click Save.

Your label is now ready to be added to the Widget Configuration.

Example of the Application Label record showing Label Name as "mpp-user-label.WelcomeMessage" with translations of the message "Welcome to our church!"

Once you add your label in the widget, you can place the widget code on your website where you want that label to display. Then, depending on which language a user has selected, they'll see the translated text.