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Set Up NMI in the Portal

To comply with PCI standards, we no longer pass credit card details through the Portal. If you use NMI to process payments, you will need to generate a security key in your payment gateway control panel and add it to your configuration settings in MinistryPlatform.

Note: You will need to contact the OnlineGiving Support team at support@onlinegiving.org to get your NMI Transaction Key. In fact, they are happy to help you through this process, so don't hesitate to contact them for assistance.
In Your Payment Gateway Control Panel
  1. Log in to your payment gateway control panel. This is unique to your church and was provided by your payment processor.
  2. In the left menu, expand Options then select Settings.
    Payment gateway control panel showing the Options menu with the Settings option selected
  3. Under "Security Options", click Security Keys.
    Gateway Control Panel showing a Security Options section with an option for Security Keys
  4. Scroll down to "Public Keys", and click Add a New Public Key.
    Public Security Keys section showing an empty table and a button underneath to Add a New Public Key
  5. In the dialog box, complete the following:
    1. For Key Name, enter CollectJSPublicKey.
    2. For Username Associated with key, select the user in your gateway designated for this key.
      CAUTION: Make sure you select the correct user to process transactions. If you aren't sure about this, please contact support@onlinegiving.org for assistance.
    3. For Key Permission, select Tokenization.
    4. Click Create.
      New Public Key dialog box with options for Key Name, Username Associated with key, and Key Permission as well as a Create button
    The new key is created and added to the Public Security Keys table.

    Public Security Keys section showing the table with a new row that includes the CollectJSPublicKey information

  6. Beside the new key, click Copy to copy the key to your clipboard.
    Once you create the key, you can add it to your configuration settings. Need help generating your security key? Feel free to contact support@onlinegiving.org for assistance.
In MinistryPlatform
  1. Log in to MinistryPlatform.
  2. Go to Administration > Configuration Settings.
  3. Search for Application Code "PORTAL" and Key Name "NMICollectJSKey".
    1. If you find it, open it and click Edit Record.
    2. If you don't find it, click New Configuration Setting to add the record.
  4. For Value, paste your copied key.
    The PORTAL NMICollectJSKey configuration setting record in MinistryPlatform showing a sample Value
  5. Save the record.
  6. Search for Application Code "PORTAL" and Key Name "NMICheckoutUrl".
    1. If you find it, open it and click Edit Record.
    2. If you don't find it, click New Configuration Setting to add the record.
  7. For Value, enter https://secure.networkmerchants.com/api/transact.php.
  8. Save the record.
  9. Search for Application Code "PORTAL" and Key Name "NMITransactionKey".
    1. If you find it, open it and click Edit Record.
    2. If you don't find it, click New Configuration Setting to add the record.
  10. For Value, you'll need your specific key. Contact support@onlinegiving.org for this value.
  11. Save the record.
    The changes should take effect within 10 minutes. If needed, you can force a reload using portal/login.aspx?reloadPortalSettings=true.

After the NMICollectJSKey and NMICheckoutUrl settings are updated, you can process payments through NMI. If you need assistance at any point in this process, please contact support@onlinegiving.org.