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Delete Selected Records

Completely remove selected records from the Platform.

Warning: Delete with care! This is a powerful tool and you should use it with extreme caution. Any data you delete from MinistryPlatform is complete gone. To recover delete data requires Professional Services and incurs a cost. As such, you should limit this feature to Users trained to use it wisely and correctly.
  1. Make sure the bottom of your list says 0 Selected. If it doesn't, clear your selection before you proceed.
  2. Select the records to delete.
  3. Change your selection drop-down to Current/Unsaved Selection to confirm you selected the correct records.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Delete.
  5. The affected records display (if any). These records depend on the records you're deleting. Select the appropriate option based on what you want to do with the dependent records.
    Note: To delete a record on a page marked Direct Delete Only, you must be on the record's Page to delete it.
    • Reassign: Select a different record to associate the dependent records with.
    • Unassign: Keep the dependent records but don't associated them with they you're deleting.
    • Delete: Delete the dependent records.
    Delete modal showing options to reassign records and resassign, unassign, or delete dependent records
  6. Click Delete.
  7. When prompted to confirm, click OK.
The records and any Tasks associated with the records are deleted, and the selection clears.