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Mass Update Fields on Selected Records

Quickly change specific information on multiple records.

Warning: Assign with care! This is a powerful tool and you should use it with caution, as undoing hasty assignment can be time-consuming (and potentially costly). Limit this feature to sers trained to use it wisely and correctly.
  1. Make sure the bottom of your list says 0 Selected. If it doesn't, clear your selection before you proceed.
  2. Select the records to update.
  3. Change your selection drop-down to Current/Unsaved Selection to confirm you selected the correct records.
  4. From the Actions menu, select Assign.
  5. Select the check box next to the fields you want to update, and update the fields as needed. Click append to add your text to the end of what is already in that field.
    Mass Assign modal showing options to select which fields to update and what to change them to
  6. Click Save.
  7. When prompted, click OK.

The selection reflects the update, as do the Audit Logs of the records.

You can clear the selection when you're done with it.