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Configure Settings for the Giving Unit Summary

Review and if needed adjust the date and months for comparison and the included Statement Headers.
  1. From the Platform, go to Administration > Configuration Settings.
  2. Open the Configuration Setting.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Set the appropriate value.
    • SERVICES, GivingUnitSummaryComparisonDate - Date the two Comparison month ranges will compare against. By default it is set to 03/1/2020. Ensure this is a date in valid date format (mm/dd/yyyy).
    • SERVICES, GivingUnitSummaryComparisonMonths - How many months will be in scope for the period prior to and after the Comparison Date.
    • SERVICES, GivingUnitSummaryStatementHeaderID - Set to the Statement Header ID (not the Statement Header sort number) of the Statement Header you want in scope. Set to zero to include all. Copy configuration value if you want to include multiple Statement Headers.
  5. Click Save.