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Accounting Company Standard Statement Settings

Accounting Company records include Standard Statement Settings. If a donor has made donations to more than one accounting company, multiple statements are generated for the same calendar year.

Standard Statement
Set to Donor Standard Statement
Rows Per Page
Number of donation rows that can fit safely on a single contribution statement page. Twenty-six rows are recommended.
Summary Columns
Number of columns (1-6) on your statement that will summarize Statement Headers. For example, if set to 4, the first 3 Statement Headers will be explicitly listed, and Donations to Programs under those headers will be summarized in their respective columns. The final column will be "Other."
Formal Salutation
If true, the greeting will appear above the address block of the Donor Statements using the Donor's title and First Name (rather than Nickname).
Archive Day of Year
Day of the year when the prior year Statements will be automatically archived. Must be between 46 (Feb 15) and 121 (April 30th except for Leap Year!). Default is 46.
Default Congregation
Enables the Global Filter on the Statements page.
Note: Leave this option blank except where the Accounting Company has only a single congregation. This primarily applies to Diocese (see below).
Alternate Pledge Campaign
Second, an additional campaign for which a donor with a pledge should see a pledge recap, including their pledge balance in the top corner of their donor statement.

If you are a Diocese: Diocese have a one-to-one ratio of Accounting Companies and Parishes. In this case - and only in this case - the Congregation field should be populated on the Accounting Company record.

If you are not a Diocese: Do not populate the Congregation field on the Accounting Company record.

Note: If you assign Global Filters to your Accounting Staff, you must also assign them the "*Not Assigned" Global Filter. If you don't, they won't be able to see any Statements because for non-Diocese churches, Statements are not assigned to a congregation.

Accounting Company Configuration

The Accounting Company Statement Cutoff Date is a date/time field used when generating all statements for the Accounting Company, including those available on the My Contribution Statement page and Standard Statements. Standard Statements considers both the date and time when determining the statement cutoff date. Want to include all donations made through December 31st? Set the Statement Cutoff Date to 12/31/[year] 11:59 p.m.