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Logging In

Your data is valuable and private. We get that! MinistryPlatform is a secure web application. It runs on a browser, so it's available anytime, anywhere you have internet access. You're required to log in so we know who you are and what data you have permission to access.

Someone in your organization must grant you permissions to do anything beyond logging in.

The Platform requires each user to log in with a username and password. Someone may have created this for you, or you may need to create a login yourself and have someone on your staff grant you the permissions you need.

The Log In screen showing fields for username and password, or the ability to log in with a third-party application

Want to learn more?

Curious about those permissions that let you do things in the Platform? We call them Security Roles! Want to know more about how to get them and who assigns them? Or maybe you need to know how to give Security Roles to new users? Check out these articles to learn more.

Already Have a Login?

If you already have an account, use your username and password to log in.

Your church's URL to access the MinistryPlatform, your URL will look like this: https://{your platform domain}/mp

Log In to the Platform

  1. Open a web browser and go to your organization's MinistryPlatform URL.
    Your URL is formatted like this: https://{your platform domain}/mp.
  2. Enter your Username.
  3. Enter your Password.
    Tip: Forgot your password? Just click Forgot Password, and we'll send you an email so you can set a new one.
  4. Select Keep Me Logged In. Unless you click logout, this option will keep you logged in for three months.
  5. Click Login.
    • If your credentials are invalid, a message displays to let you know.
    • If your credentials are valid but you don't have the appropriate security role, a message displays to let you know.

Create an Account

If your church Administrator hasn't given you credentials to access the Platform, you can sign up and create your own account. But before you do, double check to make sure you don't already have an account.
Note: While you can set up an account, your system administrator needs to give you permission before you can see or do anything in MinistryPlatform.
Tip: Want to use the easy button? Create your account using a social login! If configured, select Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and so on. If these options are available for your organization, they'll display on the login screen.
  1. Open a web browser and go to your organization's Platform URL.
  2. Click Sign Up.
  3. Enter your First Name.
  4. Enter your Last Name.
  5. Enter your Email Address.
  6. Optional: Enter your Mobile Phone.
  7. Click Create Account.
  8. Confirm your email address.
    1. Go to your email client of the email address provided.
    2. Open the New User Account Confirmation email.
    3. Click the verification link.
      Note: For security, this link is valid for 24 hours.
  9. Create your Username and Password.
    1. Enter your Username. The field prepopulates with the email address provided above.
    2. Enter your Password.
    3. Confirm your password.
  10. Click Save.

Contact your system administrator to provide you with the appropriate permission.