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Locate Background Checks

Participants can complete background checks in three ways: from their profiles, during event registration, and from an event.

They can also view their background check status from their profile.

  • From the profile — Some people prefer to keep a background check on file even if there is no active event. In this case, participants can visit their profile page to request or check the status of a background check.
  • During event registration — Background checks can be requested and paid for during event registration if the participant does not have a current background check on file. Background checks appear alongside application questions, and the fee is listed separately from the application fee and deposit. The participant can immediately request their background check, or they may go straight to their events and complete the background check later.
  • On an event page — While the participant can immediately request their background check during registration, they may go straight to their events and complete the background check at a later time.