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Account Setup Checklist

With your new Go Method trial account, you can start organizing your mission trips, conferences, retreats, camps, and more in just a few steps. Are you ready to make mission trip planning more efficient? Let's get started!

Personalize your site with your brand. Select a color theme and upload your logo. If your organization already has a logo or color scheme, adding it to Go Method helps your visitors connect with your ministry and mission.
Establish your organization's general and global settings, such as your phone number format, timezone, and default country, set up two-factor authentication, and optionally generate a global non-disclosure agreement. We'll also set up a customized web address that your participants will use to sign up or make payments.
Connect or integrate Go Method with one of our supported church management software partners. This allows data to flow freely between the two, reducing back-office administrative tasks. If you don't have a church management software, you can use Go Method as a stand-alone application.
Thankfully, mission trips and mission-focused events are often underwritten or funded by kingdom-minded contributors. Go Method can help you allocate contributions to one or more participants. In this step, let's use allocation types to organize how money is disbursed to participants.
You've accomplished quite a bit! We've covered all of the basic settings for customizing your site's look and feel. We're now ready to plan and set up your first event. Next, we'll set up your first event.