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PCI Frequently Asked Questions


An important message for our Customers with online giving solutions.

If you use any of our online giving solutions and accept credit or debit cards, your payment processor should contact you about completing an annual PCI Self Assessment Questionnaire ("SAQ") online. If you have questions about your PCI responsibilities, contact your payment processor.

Why was the Payment Card Industry formed?

The Payment Card Industry ("PCI") Security Standards Council was created to establish a uniform set of data security requirements for all national card brands, a.k.a. the PCI Data Security Standards ("PCI DSS"). PCI governs all retail, mail order, telephone order and e-commerce credit card transactions. All organizations that process, store, or transmit payment card data must comply with PCI DSS requirements or risk losing their ability to process credit card payments.

Are your payment processing systems PCI compliant?


ACST first became PCI compliant as a service provider on November 15, 2016, and we recertify annually. You may view our PCI compliance status anytime by visiting the VISA Global Registry of Service Providers, or the MasterCard Compliant Service Provider list. Attaining PCI compliance underscores our commitment to keeping the data for all of our Customers secure and private. Additionally, ACST partners with PCI compliant card processors to process all payment card transactions securely.

How do you keep up with PCI mandates and standards changes?

ACST employs a dedicated team of information security professionals who work with PCI-qualified assessors to ensure that our products and environment comply or exceed the latest PCI standards.

Can you provide a copy of ACST's attestation of PCI compliance?

ACST is pleased to share our Attestation of Compliance (“AOC”) with current and prospective Customers. Please enter a request to legal@acst.com

When using a debit or credit card with an online giving feature, is it secure?

PCI Compliance seeks to create a safer environment for accepting payment cards worldwide. Every year ACST and your payment processor undergo a rigorous PCI audit to certify that systems, policies, procedures, and processes meet compliance.

As a Customer using our online giving solutions, you also have PCI responsibilities to ensure that best practices and security measures are in place to comply with PCI standards. Even guests have a responsibility in the safety of online payments.

We recommend that anyone who uses our online giving solutions implement these best practices:

  • enable security measures (e.g. strong password, two factor authentication) on their smartphones, tablets, computers.
  • use relevant operating systems and servers that are not nearing or in the “end of life”.
  • use current, updated browsers.
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