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Fulfillment FAQ

What are the requirements?

How do we get the information to you to send out?

Once created this file is uploaded to a special ACST FTP site. Once all the files have been received, ACST will process them based on your specifications.

In Realm, see Export Statements to CSV, and follow the steps. After you export, use our fulfillment site to upload your file. Once we've received your files, we'll process them based on your specifications.

How do these statements look?

This service uses plain paper.

How often can we send statements using this service?

You can send statements monthly, quarterly, or annually. The file upload deadline is the first or third Tuesday of each month. Files received after the deadline are held for the next cycle.

How are the files processed?

Files are sent for processing on the first and third Wednesdays. Please allow up to 7 business days for First-Class to be delivered by the USPS.

If we find that data is missing after a run has been processed, will there be a charge for reruns? What is the cost?

If the data was wrong or incomplete before the extract was run, we will charge for the rerun. However, we'll work with you to determine the most cost effective solution. If the error happens after the extract was run and uploaded for processing, we will rerun these at no charge.

Can I insert a letter or notice with the statements?

Yes, you can insert a letter or notice with your statements. The maximum insert size is 3 pages with front only.

How will this save us money?

To accurately compare cost savings, consider the following questions:
  • How much do you pay for materials (e.g. your statement cost and envelopes)?
  • How much do you pay on average for postage?
  • How much does your labor—printing, stuffing, and sorting—cost to process?
With a fulfillment service, there is no inventory, no time spent printing, sorting, stuffing envelopes, finding volunteers, and no more dragging heavy bins or bags to the post office!