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The following terms apply to MissionInsite software, services, and content.


Experian is an American–Irish multinational consumer credit reporting company. Experian collects and aggregates information on over 1 billion people and businesses including 235 million individual U.S. consumers and more than 25 million U.S. businesses. Source: Wikipedia
Note: Include Experian's trademark on first usage per article. For more information, visit their legal site.
Experian's logo

Agency Administrator

The person responsible for managing MissionInsite in a denominational office, regional agency, or non-profit office. See also Local Agency Administrator.


Throughout our software, conversations, and content, we refer to this role interchangeably as the administrator or regional/local agency administrator.

Regional Agency Administrator

Note: This term applies specifically to the administrator in a regional or denominational office.

Local Agency Administrator

Note: This term applies specifically to the administrator in a church or parish office.

The American Beliefs Study

A survey of US religious preferences, practices, and beliefs, conducted by Campbell Rinker for ACS Technologies. The study was conducted from October 2020 through February 2021.
Note: This study replaced the Quadrennium Whitepaper, which should no longer be referenced in MissionInsite conten or discussions. Detailed information about the study is located on our website.