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Getting Started for the Regional Agency

This guide is intended for the person(s) responsible for managing MissionInsite at the regional or denominational level. It may also be used by the church or parish that purchased licenses independently of affiliation.

To get started, you'll
  1. Register and log in.
  2. Review contact information for accuracy and add/remove churches, if applicable.
  3. Invite other users, approve their registrations, and manage permissions (agency admins only).
  4. Upload names and physical addresses, or request a New Client Data report.
  5. Ask questions and discover the answers.

Summary of Roles and Permissions

RoleHas Access To
Agency AdministratorUsed in conjunction with the Standard User Manager to access user management and profiles, church profiles and service location records, which is vital to the accuracy of mapping, usage reports, and email lists. (Admin of Admins).
Standard User ManagerManage users, but cannot grant the rights of an agency administrator.
Church AdministratorPeoplePlot

How to Register for MissionInsite

Before you can log in to MissionInsite, upload your people, map your congregants, and explore your ministry area, you must register for MissionInsite.

You'll need your agency's unique agency ID code, provided by MissionInsite.

Each user should register ONLY once, and the new registration must be approved by the agency administrator.
Note: You can only have one email address and password for MissionInsite. If you need access to a local church or organization as an agency user, contact your agency administrator to add additional study area options to your login.
  1. Navigate to MissionInsite.com, then click Client Login.
  2. Click Register as a new user?
  3. In the District/Agency Account Number field, enter your unique account ID, then click Submit.
  4. Under Organization Details, select your city and organization.
  5. Under Login Setup, create a MissionInsite account with your email address, or use an external provider to create an account.
  6. Under General Information, enter your First Name, Last Name, and Role/Position.
  7. Review the terms, then select Accept Terms. If applicable, you can opt out of email correspondence. However, we recommend receiving emails, so to stay informed about system updates and new features. In addition, if you opt out of product emails, you will not receive a confirmation email.
  8. Click Register.

After completing your registration, you'll receive an email with the subject Confirm Your Email. To confirm your account, you must click on the link in this email. The link is valid for 24 hours. If you don't see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.

Once you confirm your account, your agency administrator must approve it. When this happens, you'll receive another email. If you don't receive the email, please don't try to register again. Contact MissionInsite Support at 877-230-3212 for assistance.

Manage Users

The Manage Users area displays each user's first and last name, email, account status information, and applications.

Agency administrators can invite or remove users, edit profiles, and and grant access to functional areas of MissionInsite.

To manage users, in the Control Center, click Home. Under Administration and Tools, click Manage Users.

Each user's first and last name, email, account status information, and applications display.

Remove Users

In Manage Users, you can remove users. Removed users cannot access any applications. To do this, you must be an agency administrator.

  1. In the Control Center, click Navigate Home.
  2. Under Administration and Tools, click Manage Users. MissionInsite Account Management opens in a new window.
  3. In the grid, locate the user you want to remove. You can look up individuals by user name, e-mail, first name, or last name.
  4. Beside the user you want to remove, click Actions, then click Remove User.
  5. When the confirmation message displays, click Remove User.

Download a User Email List

You can download your MissionInsite users list as an Excel file.

  1. On the Control Center, under Home, expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Click Email List.
  3. Under Select one or more roles, select to include Agency Admins, Church Admins, or MI Registered Users in the email list.
  4. Click Download.

By default, your list is saved in your downloads folder on your computer.

MissionInsite User Account and Email Confirmation Status

When managing users in MissionInsite, you can view a user's account or confirmation status.

Account Status

The Account Status field displays if an account is ready for login, temporarily locked, permanently locked, or disabled.
IconAccount Status
Ready for LoginAccount is ready for login.
Temp LockedAn account is temporarily locked when the MissionInsite user has entered an incorrect password five times.

To unlock the account, click Temp Locked or wait five minutes for the lock to clear.

Perm LockedWhen the MissionInsite user has been temporarily locked out five times, the account is permanently locked until the user resets his or her password.To manually unlock the account, click Perm Lock.
Account DisabledThe account is disabled.

Email Confirmed

The Email Confirmed field in this table displays a user's confirmation status.
IconConfirmation Status
Email ConfirmedEmail address is confirmed.
Confirm EmailEmail address is not yet confirmed. Click to manually confirm.

Review Your Organization's Profile

Now is a good time to review and update your church contact information and website.

Edit Agency Information

You can edit the agency's address, contact information, and website. To do this, you must be an agency administrator.

  1. On the Control Center, under Home, expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Click Agency Info.
  3. Under Edit Agency, update your agency's information, then click Save.

Once the information updates, Agency has been updated. displays.

Edit Church Information

You can edit a church's description, contact information, address, website, or notes.

When you update a church or service location's street address, the map automatically updates.

To do this, you must be an agency administrator.

  1. On the Control Center, under Home, expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Click Church Info.
  3. Double-click on the church you want to edit.
  4. Make any necessary changes, then click Save.

After saving your changes, the list of churches displays. You can edit another church's information or return to MissionInsite.

Add a New Church

You can add a new church to your agency's MissionInsite study.

To do this, you must be an agency administrator.

  1. On the Control Center, under Home, expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Click Church Info.
  3. Click Add New Church.
  4. Enter the church's address, contact, website, email, notes, or other information, then click Save.

After saving, your church displays in the list.

Delete a Church

You can delete a church from your agency's MissionInsite study. To do this, you must be an agency administrator.

  1. On the Control Center, under Home, expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Click Church Info.
  3. In the list of churches, locate the church you want to delete, then click Delete.
  4. When the confirmation message displays, click OK.

Custom Demographic Study

If you're not affiliated with a registered denominational or regional MissionInsite subscriber, our team can create a custom study for you. To do this, we need your key agency contacts, church or parish data lists, and agency boundaries.

  1. Provide Key Contacts — Key contacts are people in your regional agency who can provide data files and agency boundary maps. We'll provide key contacts with login information, specific instructions, and support.

  2. Provide a Data File — Before you can retrieve community data, you must submit a file that contains information for each church, parish, or organization in your regional agency. Use the Church Data File Template to compile this data. Once you've gathered your church data, contact us at 877-230-3212 or misupport@acst.com for more instructions.

  3. Provide Agency Boundary Map — Next, we need an accurate agency boundary map, preferably a digital submission known as a shape file. Digital shape files consist of four files for each boundary. If you don't have a digital file, you can submit an accurate street map with clear boundaries for your agency. Or, if your agency's boundaries are comprised of states or counties, submit a list of those.

  4. Submit your shape files, maps, PDFs, or lists to misupport@acst.com.

Generate Administrative Reports

In the Home area of the Control Center, administrators can generate three reports.

The Registered User Report displays a list of registered users for your study and district. It displays each registered user's first name, last name, username, registration date, number of logins, and last login date.

The Agency Usage Report displays the number of reports downloaded and registered users for a specific date range, and the Users Usage Report displays the number of reports each registered user generated for a specific date range.

  1. In the Control Center, click Navigate Home.
  2. Under Administrator and Tools and Admin Report, enter the From and To dates for your reports.
  3. In the Select a report drop-down list, select the report you want to generate, then click Generate Report.

When your report displays, you can download it to Excel or a PDF, open the report in a new window, or change the font size.