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User Saved Blocks

  • User Saved Blocks are pieces of content saved into one "block" and organized by category and tags. The block of content can contain one or multiple elements. For example, one saved block can contain a text block, image, and button.
  • Individuals can search for a block by tag.
  • Use the drag-and-drop feature to add a block to a template. This is helpful when you want templates to look the same, such as using the same block for a header or footer in multiple templates.

Create a User Saved Block

  1. Add the elements to the block.
  2. Select Row in the bottom right corner of the screen, then select Save.
  3. After the Save Block dialog displays, add a category name (required) and tags for future searches.
An example block to join Bible Study. A red arrow points to the Row button in the bottom right corner.

Add a User Saved Block

  1. Click the Blocks icon in the Navigation tab.
  2. Use the Search box to search by tag.
  3. Drag and drop the block into the body of the template.

Edit or Delete a User Saved Block

  1. Hover over the ellipsis and choose to Delete or Edit the block.
  2. Click Edit to change the category or tags, then Save.
  3. Click Delete to permanently remove the block.
  4. To delete a category of blocks, delete each block within the category. When you delete all blocks, you can remove the Category.
    Note: Saved blocks are limited by user. Template User or User Group owners don't affect who can access a saved block.
Image with the ellipsis outline in red. A red arrow points to the Blocks section on the right side.