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Edit Sacrament Records

  1. From either the Members page, All Sacraments, or one of the sacrament pages, make a selection of one or more records to edit.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Add/Edit Sacraments.
  3. Select or confirm the sacrament type you're editing.
  4. Any existing sacramental information displays. Edit or add any additional information as needed.
  5. If you're editing multiple records, select Copy Shared Sacrament Details to Next Record if you want to copy the information to subsequent records. You will still be able to edit it for each record.
  6. If you're just editing one record, click Save. Otherwise, click Save & Next to continue editing records for your group of members.
    Records display in alphabetical order for you to complete, but you can select a member name in the drop-down list at the top to skip around. A green check mark displays next to the ones you've completed.
  7. Once you've saved all the records, you can close the tool.