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Secured User Management

Your MinistryPlatform User Support is based on the number of users that your church has granted security roles to within MinistryPlatform.

The base rate for each secured user is:

  • For Shared Cloud Edition $10/User*
  • For Dedicated & Self Hosted Edition $5/User

* Shared Cloud edition has a higher per user cost because hosting costs are built into that edition and because maintenance is far less expensive each month. It is financially advantageous for a church to remain in Shared Cloud until it has over 100 secured users or until it needs direct access to its data for custom work against our open architecture system or via our API.

Secured Users

  • Each edition has a minimum number of required secured users:
    • Self-Hosted has a 30 secured users minimum.
    • Dedicated Cloud has a 30 secured users minimum.
    • Shared Cloud has a 15 secured users minimum.
Note: The number of minimum secured users for your church was set contractually when you purchased MinistryPlatform. It can be lowered to the new, current minimum upon request if your church is paying the current retail maintenance rate for your MinistryPlatform edition.
  • Self-Hosted & Dedicated Cloud editions are rounded to the nearest increment of 10 users. For example:
    • Dedicated Cloud Edition church with 31 secured users will be invoiced for 40 secured users at $5 each.
    • A Shared Cloud edition church with 31 secured users will be invoiced for 31 users at $10 each.
  • A bulk discount is available for churches as they add more and more users to lower the cost per user for all users.

The secured user count is determined and placed on your invoice as follows:

  • New customers work with our sales team to determine who will be trained during your MinistryPlatform implementation. Security rights are granted to those users for training with your coach's assistance. That is the initial number for which your church will be billed for user support.
  • Existing customer systems are evaluated one week before each invoice is generated and the count of secured users are applied to that invoice.

The following users are not considered "full fare" secured users:

  • Users created for MinistryPlatform employees to access your system, including:
    • MPAdmin
    • MPOnboard
    • MPProfSvcs
    • MPSuccess
    • MPTrainer
    • HGTSupport
    • PocketPlatform
  • Users who have fewer than 3 discounted security roles and no regular security roles.
  • Users who do not have any security roles. Their user account is merely for them to conduct personal ministry and personal business with the church through public-facing applications.
  • Rarely, a user may have only a special security role the church has paid a flat monthly fee to apply to as many users as they want. These users will not count towards secured users. This is only advantageous in rare cases when a single role is being granted to over 500 users. These roles are known as "Flat Fee Roles".

To review your secured users and determine how you will be invoiced, go to Administration > Users, and select the Users with Security Roles view.